NAMA’s Professional Development Awards of Excellence luncheon honored four NAMA members. Lou Ireland, Pioneer Hi-Bred International was honored in Marketing Communications, Deron Johnson of Rhea + Kaiser Marketing Communications was honored in Public Relations, Gary Robertson of Fort Dodge Animal Health in Product/Species Management, and Pete Weil of High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal in Sales. Each winner spoke about the challenges and opportunities in agri-marketing.
Also at the luncheon the gavel symbolizing the presidency of NAMA was passed from Carol Anderson to Susie Decker.
View a series of snippets from the awards luncheon below:
You can find photos from the awards luncheon in the photo album.
This is part of the Paulsen Marketing video interview series. They are also the sponsor of the NAMA Blog.
Combined NAMA Trends In Ag/NAFB Convention Photo Album
AgWired coverage of the NAMA Trends In Agriculture Conference is sponsored by Paulsen Marketing.