2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

IOWA Invests In Project LIBERTY

Chuck Zimmerman

IA Lt. Gov. Patty JudgeCorn growers heard from Iowa Lt. Governor Patty Judge at POET’s Project LIBERTY Field Day. She said, “We are seeing for ourselves that cellulosic ethanol is here, that it is viable and that it will transform renewable fuel as we know it today”. It was a cold, breezy day and she talked General Wesley Clark out of his jacket.

She reminded attendees about how they tried to hold meetings like this back in the early 1990’s to promote ethanol and how it was a slow process but she said they knew it would become a viable reality. So as a farmer and Lt. Gov. she says a lot of work has gone in to making a day like this happen. She says this POET project is helping keep Iowa at the forefront of renewable energy production. She says the state has made a total investment in this project of $20 million and that the funds will make the project a reality and help create new jobs. She pledged that she and the Governor would do all they can to increase the demand for ethanol.

POET Project LIBERTY Field Day Photo Album

You can listen to Judge’s speech below:

Audio, Biofuels, Ethanol