USGC Partnership with USDA FAS

Cindy Zimmerman

Michael MichenerThe administrator of USDA’s Foreign Agriculture Service Michael Michener spoke to the US Grains Council delegates meeting this morning in San Diego about how the partnership between FAS and USGC helps to open markets for US agricultural products.

“Over the years, FAS and the U.S Grains Council have formed a vital link between government and U.S. agriculture to maintain and expand exports of corn, barley and sorghum,” said Michener. “According to an independent study conducted by Informa Economics last year, the Council created $659 million for U.S. agriculture or $37 for every dollar invested. This is a remarkable return on investment for any government program.”

Michener also reaffirmed the administration’s commitment to address pending free trade agreements and revitalize the Doha Round. Read more from the US Grains Council here.

See photos from the USGC Delegate Meeting here on Flickr.

Listen to or download Michener’s remarks here:

Audio, Grains, Trade, USDA, USGC