NCBA on HSUS Agenda

Amanda Nolz

forrest-roberts It’s no longer a secret that the Humane Society of the United States is dedicated to their main agenda of abolishing food animal agriculture in this country. It’s also no secret that HSUS has spending power and an active lobbying core that has taken part in 25 ballot initiatives, including the most notable, Proposition 2. For years, there have been those of us that have watched HSUS and told others about their dangers to our nation’s food supply, and now, the industry is finally taking note. It seems like every agriculture meeting discusses the HSUS agenda, and it’s time agriculture comes up with an action plan against these huge lobbyists.

NCBA CEO Forrest Roberts spoke this morning at the general session at the 2009 Cattle Industry Summer Conference in Denver, Colo. where producers from across the country have gathered to discuss the hot topics in agriculture today. Listen to Forrest’s speech on the state of the industry and his thoughts on HSUS.

Cattle Industry Conference