2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

More on Twitter #agchat: Farm Slogans

Amanda Nolz

agchat-search Earlier this week, Chuck summarized Tuesday’s #agchat session on Twitter. I joined in for the first time this week, and I wanted to discuss Question 5 on AgWired this morning. Question 5: “If you had 1 recommendation for ag to create a message , what would it be, who would it involve & how would you execute it?”

The tweets that followed this question really impressed me. There were so many outstanding marketing ideas for positioning farmers and ranchers in a positive light. My favorite was the slogan, “Farmers Care.” It was simple and to the point. However, then the discussion changed pace, and individuals started asking if consumers even knew what a farmer was? Is the world so disconnected that people don’t even have a clue as to what a farmer is? I doubt it, but I’m certain their ideas of farmers don’t always coincide with the reality of what food production is.

Even if you missed Tuesday’s #agchat, here is your chance to weigh in. If you could create a slogan for farmers and ranchers to use, what would it be?

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