2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farmer Tweets

Chuck Zimmerman

Iowa Farm BureauJust in case you’re wondering if your company should be involved in social media, let me give you another example. This comes from Iowa Farm Bureau. It’s all about a farmer who’s on Twitter to help promote agriculture. I’m really glad to see how Farm Bureau is getting into the online conversation. In fact, I’ll be speaking to their gathering of state public relations directors in June. Not only is AFBF involved but a number of state groups like Iowa!

Mike Ver Steeg is not only a farmer. He’s also known as a food provider. And it’s @foodprovider, to be exact.

The title is his handle on the online site called Twitter. At www.twitter.com, users send short messages that are read by their followers. Some folks use it to keep in touch with friends, while others use it to communicate with colleagues.

Ver Steeg uses it to promote agriculture. After signing onto the site at the end of February, he already has 108 followers that include a global farming organization based in France, a California dairyman, a cattleman in South Dakota and a rural vet in southeast Iowa.

“I’d just heard about it and thought I’d try it out,” explained Ver Steeg who farms near Inwood. “My wife, Sarah, and I had just ended our term on the American Farm Bureau Young Farmer Committee. That group’s goal was to get ag’s message out.”

Ver Steeg had been doing just that, visiting local Rotary groups and business clubs. But using Twitter has opened up a global opportunity. All he needs is a few free minutes and his laptop.

So, if your farmer customers are there then why aren’t you? I see very few ag companies involved in the online conversation yet. Some have jumped in with both feet, many haven’t even taken their shoes off yet. What’s holding you back? Need some help? Let me know and I’ll do my best to ‘splain things.

Ag Groups, Social Networking