2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

O&B Staff Members Show Their “AgNess”

Cindy Zimmerman

Osborne and Barr AgNess Winner The staff of Osborn and Barr were encouraged to “Show Your AgNess” during a photo competition in honor of National Ag Week.

Osborne and Barr AgNess Winner O&B serves as the agency of record for several agricultural clients, including the United Soybean Board and the Propane Education and Research Council, so it was a good way to help the staff get back to their ag roots and recognize the importance of the industry.

The winners are pictured here. Steve Washburn won for this pic of him visiting some fine feathered friends at a layer operation owned by his wife’s family in Texas. The other photo represents public relations account representative Andrea Mollet showing her first heifer at the Bond County Fair in Illinois. Even though it’s not real clear that it is actually her, we believe her. Remember, the goal was not top-notch photography here – judging was based on overall “AgNess” – a new word for the agribusiness world!

Agencies, USB