2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Genuine Genuity From Monsanto

Chuck Zimmerman

Monsanto GenuityAt last week’s Commodity Classic I learned a new word – Genuity. My teacher was Dion McBay, Monsanto trait marketing lead.

Genuity is a new brand that provides Monsanto with a new platform to deliver new technologies to the marketplace. The name came from the work of a brand development team that talked to farmers across the country. The name meant things like genuine and the “gen” part seemed to suggest genes or genesis so Genuity it is. Dion says that the Monsanto brand covers a lot of things and with Genuity they can focus on a brand that “promises to deliver technology products that help farmers do what they do best, even better.” A media and public relations campaign is scheduled to start immediately to begin introducing the brand to farmers.

You can listen to my iPhone interview with Dion here: cc-09-genuity.mp3

You can also download the interview with this link: Monsanto Genuity Interview (mp3)

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Seed