2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

All Star Theme for Novus

Cindy Zimmerman

International Poultry Expo 09“All Star” is the theme for Novus International at the International Poultry Expo in Atlanta this week. There’s a couple of good reasons for that.

First and most important is the Novus all-star lineup of poultry products including Advent, DHA Gold, Mintrex and Alimet.

International Poultry Expo 09The other reason is that the 2009 Baseball All Star game will be held in St. Louis – which is also the home of Novus International. To drive home that theme, Novus will have a special guest at their expo trade show booth this week – Hall of Famer Lou Brock.

I talked with Novus poultry marketing specialist Michael Whitmer about the importance of the poultry business for Novus and what they have in the line-up for poultry producers this year. Listen to that interview here: ipe-09-whitmer.mp3

You can also download the interview with this link (mp3).

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