2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Enjoying Some Palin Sunshine

Chuck Zimmerman

Sarah PalinIf you were following my Twitter feed then you know where I’ve been for at least part of today. Not to try to influence anyone out there but Cindy, my daughter Chelsea and I went to see Sarah Palin at the Missouri State Capitol building. Here’s Sarah right after she winked at me.

We were kind of hoping she’d say words like “agriculture” and “farmers” but no such luck. However, it was a good time and we got to see my main man, Bocephus (Hank Williams, Jr.) sings some songs. If you’re really interested you can see more photos in an online photo album.

So that’s enough politics for one day. Regardless of where you stand, I hope you’ll go out and exercise your civic duty tomorrow and vote!

Sorry Andy, I didn’t get to give her a kiss for you.

Oh and btw. Hank Jr. sang a variation of one of his hits, called “McCain-Palin Tradition.” Here’s a video of it from another recent rally. I know some of you will enjoy it. Post Update: Cindy used my Flip to shoot the same song today so you get her version now.
