2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Set Up for AEM Forum Webcast

Cindy Zimmerman

AEM Forum set up Okay – here we are set up at the AEM AgExecutive Forum in St. Louis for a live webcast on Ustream – AgWired Live TV.

This is the first time I have used this tool – free live webcasting. I have a great internet connection here in the Renaissance Grand hotel and a really great set up in front of the podium. I must give credit to the hotel AV technician who has been the best I have ever dealt with. Too often we have two or three AV techs who are either incompetent or just don’t care. This guy – and I will get his name and post a photo later – has been amazing.

I do have photos started from last night’s reception, but I am not real pleased with them. I am using Chuck’s D200 because we have three events next week and John Davis will be using the camera I normally use. So, I am still getting used to the “big boy” camera.

The plan now is to webcast Ed Schafer live at 8:00 central – I will then upload the recording of his address during the break and live webcast the panel on The Next Generation of Ag Show starting at 9:15. That’s the plan – stay tuned.

Here is the recorded video of the Secretary’s address:

AEM, Equipment, Video