2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Cow Ends Cause Problems

Chuck Zimmerman

E - The Environmental MagazineSince we work with people and organizations that have differing views about biofuels I just thought I’d point something out. (This is because of a news release sent to me today by E – The Environmental Magazine. They’re “mental” all right. I won’t even put a link to them here for you. You can Google it.)

While it seems like everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon to blame ethanol for everything from Mexican tortilla prices to global warming (a myth), there’s a growing movement to blame livestock and you know who that affects. I hope this gets discussed in Denver next week.

We’ve already seen this coming but this is a pretty blatant push. Here’s an excerpt from their release:

Ask most Americans about what causes global warming, and they’ll point to a coal plant smokestack or a car’s tailpipe. But it’s two other images that should be granted similarly iconic status, says the July/August 2008 cover story of E – The Environmental Magazine (now posted at www.emagazine.com): the front and rear ends of a cow.

According to a little-known 2006 United Nations (UN) report called “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” livestock is a “major player” in climate change, accounting for 18 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions.

That’s more than our entire transportation system.

Can’t we all just get along? At least in agriculture? We’ve got enough problems with wackos like this out there. By the way, we enjoyed a nice steak dinner tonight. Does that mean I’m helping save the planet?

Livestock, Wackos