RFA Ethanol Podcast

Type-A Cranberries

Laura McNamara

Cranberries pack a lot of punch. No, not juice, well, not just juice anyway. The Cranberry Marketing Committee reminds consumers how cranberries are packed with vitamins and antioxidants.

Do you know anyone who’s a Type-A personality? A multi-tasking, go-getter? Well, if fruit could take personality tests, the cranberry would turn out to be Type-A. There’s a lot of good stuff in these little red gems. But the antioxidants deserve some special attention.

Cranberries have a wide array of antioxidants, but one kind that is unique to cranberries is proanthocyanidins. This type of flavonoid antioxidant keeps certain bacteria from adhering to the walls of your bladder, helping you maintain a healthy urinary tract.

In addition to proanthocyanidins, they also contain another type of flavonoid antioxidant – anthocyanins. While more research is needed on the effects of antioxidants on health, preliminary studies suggest flavonoid antioxidants may work by helping to maintain healthy cells, tissues and arteries, which means helping you maintain a healthy heart.

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