2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Blogging Alltech’s Symposium

Chuck Zimmerman

The Alltech Symposium BlogLast year I got to attend part of the Alltech International Animal Health & Nutrition Symposium. This year it’s going to be the whole enchilada as I will be the Symposium blogger for their new Symposium blog. Right now you can find just one post with the following interview with Dr. Pearse Lyons. He’s got a fascinating concept of “marketing by education” with this event being the hallmark of it. This will be the 24th annual Symposium

Listen to Dr. Lyons talk about the Symposium: alltech-symposium-08-lyons-preview.mp3

You’ll also be finding great content from the Symposium right here on AgWired. It all kicks off starting next Sunday.

Alltech, Audio