2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Parents Got Beef

Chuck Zimmerman

Beef in Parents MagazineParents who love their kids ought to make sure they’re getting the nutrition of beef. So, as part of the new beef advertising campaign you can find Beef Checkoff advertising in Parents Magazine online. Apparently this is a value-added promotion.

One such example can be seen in the latest issue of Parents magazine. On a page titled “Contests and Promotions”, the magazine directed its readers to visit www.parentspromo.com to learn more information about various promotions offered by their advertisers. On that webpage, clicking on the beef checkmark, consumers could download a flyer titled, “Get Out There!” offered by the Nation’s beef producers.

“Get Out There” encourages families to participate in outdoor activities that offer families a chance to bond through quality time- reminding them that lean beef is just the fuel needed to help maintain the energy needed for an active lifestyle. It is an important message that beef is packed with nine essential nutrients, including protein that strengthens and sustains our bodies. The family activity guide offered through Parents’ website includes packing ideas, safety tips and planning recommendations for various outdoor activities such as hiking, canoeing, camping and bicycling.

Advertising, Beef