Happy National Ag Day – Kiss a Farmer

Chuck Zimmerman

National Agriculture DayHello and Happy National Ag Day. This is the day we honor our nation’s farmers for providing safe, abundant and affordable products, a strong economy, a source of renewable energy, and a world of job opportunities. Leave a comment here about what you’re doing today.

I just did a check on Google News and only saw one story so far. Let’s see if more show up in this key word search by the end of the day.

I can’t agree more with the statements you’ll find on the Ag Day website like these:

Today’s farmers understand the importance of improving the quality and quantity of food available to the world. According to the US Census Bureau, it is estimated that there will be 7.5 billion people in the world by the year 2020 (we’re currently at 6.2 billion). It’s agriculture’s job to find a way to feed those people. Advancements in crop technology, equipment technology and information management will make that possible. American farmers and others involved in the agriculture industry have met and will continue to meet this challenge again and again.

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