Tractor Pull Video

Chuck Zimmerman

Tractor PullI tried to shoot a video clip of these tractors last night but my little point and shoot just couldn’t handle the noise I guess since it kept shutting off when they got close. But Leah Guffey, WFMB, save the day with her camera and provided me with a clip I can use.

Hopefully this video clip will give you an idea of why the arena was crowded on a Wednesday night as I’m sure it will be each night through the end of the show here. Syngenta is the sponsor once again and as I said last year in my coverage of the show, I am amazed at how much the ag chem and seed companies are involved with a machinery show.

National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show
is sponsored by Precision Pays

John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show, Video