RFA Ethanol Podcast

Those Trustworthy Blogs

Chuck Zimmerman

A little blurb over on WebProNews quotes some information from a bi-annual Nielsen survey of internet users that shows the trust people place in blogs. “Consumer-generated content is by far a more trusted form of advertising worldwide than search engine ads, banner ads, or text ads, according to Nielsen, and is trusted almost as much as physical word-of-mouth.”

The survey also found that, “Television, radio, and magazines are virtually tied, with radio being slightly less trusted than the other two.” Interesting information.

It also makes a point about consumer recommendations being considered very trustworthy. Hey, who would you trust when it comes to a recommendation? Someone you know and respect right? I research everything I purchase online and the thing I’m most interested in are the experiences of other people who have used the product. I don’t care what the company says it will do. I want to know how well it’s doing it.

Via Smays.com.
