RFA Ethanol Podcast

AEM Announces Winners of Student Ag Engineering Awards

Laura McNamara

Association of Equipment ManufacturersDozens of agricultural engineering students have received awards from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers this year. The awards are meant to honor those students particularly involved in their field.

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) honored the latest winners of AEM’s annual Student Engineering and Mechanization Awards during special ceremonies at the recent American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers’ (ASABE) yearly international meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The awards recognize outstanding initiative and accomplishment in ASABE student branch activities. AEM initiated the awards in 1935 as part of its commitment to excellence in agricultural engineering education.

Winners are ASABE student branches which have compiled the most outstanding record of activities during the previous year in areas including membership, meetings, programs and special member activities, including campus and community participation. ASABE helped establish student branches to provide undergraduates interested in agricultural engineering some insight into their chosen profession. Today, student branches are active at most universities offering professional training in engineering related to agricultural, food and biological systems.

The 2007 AEM Student Engineering and Mechanization Award winners are:
Student Engineering Branch Group A (33 or more students):
Kansas State University – Kansas Engineering Student Branch
First Runner-Up:
University of Wisconsin (Madison) – Wisconsin Engineering Student Branch
Second Runner-Up: Iowa State University – Iowa Engineering Student Branch
Student Engineering Branch B – (Fewer than 33 students):
University of Tennessee – Tennessee Engineering Student Branch
First Runner-Up:
Oklahoma State University – Oklahoma Engineering Student Branch
Second Runner-Up: North Dakota State University – North Dakota Engineering Student Branch
Student Mechanization Branch (all sizes):
Kansas State University – Kansas Student Mechanization Branch
First Runner-Up:
Iowa State University – Iowa Student Agricultural Systems Technology Branch
Second Runner-Up: University of Illinois – Illinois Student Agricultural Mechanization Branch

Ag Groups, Education