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Listen To Food Podcast Slowly

Chuck Zimmerman

Whole Foods MarketHere’s a podcast you might want to add to your iTunes/iPod about food. It’s the Whole Foods Market Podcast. They’re “Exploring the world of natural and organic foods…one podcast at a time.” I haven’t listened to this episode yet but it sounds worthwhile. I like the idea of slowing down, especially when it comes to food. In any event, here’s another example of how to apply podcasting to reach a consuming audience. How many of our commodity checkoff groups are doing this??

Whole Foods Market, the world’s leading natural and organic foods supermarket, today debuts an exclusive in-depth interview with Carlo Petrini, founder and driving force behind the Slow Food organization, in a podcast conversation on the Company’s web site ( Having Petrini as a guest speaker kicks off a new series of interview-style podcasts for Whole Foods Market focusing on conversations with today’s leading thinkers about food and environmental issues facing our world.

Originally started by Petrini as a protest in response to the opening of a major fast-food restaurant in his native Italy, the Slow Food movement seeks to catalyze a shift toward a sustainable food system, preservation of regional food traditions, and a rediscovery of the pleasures of the table and a more harmonious rhythm of life. A passionate spokesperson and writer on how food can connect us to the earth and each other, he was recently included in Time magazine’s list of “European Heroes” as one of today’s great innovators.

“We are thrilled to kick off our new interview-style podcasts with such an inspirational food revolutionary,” said Paige Brady, podcast host and social media director at Whole Foods Market. “Carlo Petrini has changed the way many people — from foodies to farmers — think about eating. The central principles he lays out for us to take back control of our food, which revolve around quality, environmentally sustainable production and social justice, are very much in line with the mission our company was founded on more than 25 years ago.”

If you’re not equipped yet you can download this episode here (mp3 file).

Audio, Food, Podcasts