2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Hondo Group Formed

Chuck Zimmerman

The Hondo GroupI’ve been meaning to alert you to The Hondo Group if you’re not already aware. I saw Lynn Balinas, President, at the NAMA convention. Later in the day I got a nice cigar that was wrapped with a code to text to them. Once you did, they texted back directions to their website to enter a contest to win a pair of Twisted X Boots. I have been so busy I didn’t get entered in time. I’m not sure who won but if I find out I’ll post it here (or they can leave it in comments).

If you’re wondering what a Hondo is, it’s “the eye at the end of a rope through which the opposite end passes to close the loop.” It’s also the title of one of my favorite Louis L’Amour western novels. John Wayne starred in the movie version too.

It’s also an integrated marketing and communications agency located in Ft. Worth, TX.
