You are definitely not going to see this on CNN or Fox News. At least not until they have their event in June. I can only imagine what Florida or California mango growers think of this idea. How big of a need do we have for mangoes anyway? Today, the U.S.-India Business Council (USIBC) met with U.S. Trade Representative, Ambassador …
Land O’Lakes Makes Better Animals
It’s “The place where animal lovers come together.” It’s a new interactive website by Land O’Lakes Purina Feed. You need to be a member to be able to take advantage of the features offered on the site. Land O’Lakes employees, members and customers now have a fun, interactive way to learn about Land O’Lakes Purina Feed’s Better Animals program. Visit …
The KINZE Vision
Two Iowa companies, KINZE Manufacturing and Ag Leader Technology, have gotten together to develop new planting techology that improves the precision and control of row crop planters. Now if they could just add a satellite tv feed into this thing. The new KINZE Vision system is based on the Ag Leader Insight display with touch screen control (on a large …
Three Hills Rodeo Owner Dave Moorehead
The main man for Three Hills Rodeo is owner, Dave Moorehead (right). He’s pictured here with bull fighter Rory Meeks. Dave was on the scene at their rodeo last week in Green Bay, WI making sure everything was running smooth. I got to talk to him about his rodeo business before things got crazy. Dave says the rodeo grew out …
Zimfo Bites
Farm Journal Media announced a significant expansion of its senior management staff for the Company’s Internet division, AgWeb ( Steven Slakis joins AgWeb as Senior Vice President and Managing Director. David Bergen joins AgWeb as Vice President Operations and Business Development, and Damon Popovich joins as AgWeb’s Site Manager. Syngenta announced today that Scholar and Graduate postharvest fungicides have been …
Liver Fluke Roundtable on RFD-TV
Now I ask you. Where else but on a “new media outlet” would you find a full hour tv show on the subject of liver flukes? Could you see this on Good Morning America? No. But on RFD-TV now . . . I assume this is sponsored by Merial. Tune to RFD-TV Live on Monday, April 23, 2007, at 8 …
Not Paying Close Attention
Our presenter here at the appleJAC Mac Users Group meeting is going through the different types of digital cameras there are available. He hasn’t mentioned the iSight built in to most Macs today. So while he’s talking my buddy Steve Mays here and I are doing digital photography and I’m posting to AgWired. I know this doesn’t have anything to …
Meeting Some Fellow Mac Users
Here’s a new/next step in my Mac conversion experience. I’m attending my first appleJAC Mac Users Group meeting. “Hello, my name is Chuck Zimmerman and I’m a Macaholic.” Actually we’re getting a presentation on digital photography right now. There’s about 25 of us in attendance. I’m hoping for some time to meet with and ask some questions of these folks …
NALC Attendees Get Agency Exposure
At the National Agriculture Leadership Conference, sponsored by Alpha Zeta, that was held in St. Louis recently, Osborn & Barr Communications made a presentation to the students participating. The conference’s workshops focused on ethics in agribusiness, shaping the image of agriculture and developing sound public policy. 6sborn & Barr and approximately 20 other employers met students and discussed career opportunities …
American Egg Board Appointees
The American Egg Board members and alternates have been appointed by Ag Secretary Johanns. Reappointed members and alternates, by region, are: North Atlantic states – Paul D. Sauder, Lititz, Pa., member; Christopher M. Pierce, Annville, Pa., member; James L. Adams, Mount Joy, Pa., alternate. South Atlantic states – Adolphus (Dolph) B. Baker, Jackson, Miss., member; Michael H. Bynum, Fayetteville, Ark., …