Land O’Lakes Makes Better Animals

Chuck Zimmerman

Better Animals.orgIt’s “The place where animal lovers come together.” It’s a new interactive website by Land O’Lakes Purina Feed. You need to be a member to be able to take advantage of the features offered on the site.

Land O’Lakes employees, members and customers now have a fun, interactive way to learn about Land O’Lakes Purina Feed’s Better Animals program. Visit, the place where animal lovers come together, and become a member. Membership grants access to newsletters, future information, product offers and the ability to post pictures and stories about your favorite animals by clicking on “Show and Tell.”

Land O’Lakes Purina Feed is also producing a 13-episode television show called Animal Makeover TV, airing on RFD-TV, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EST starting May 8. Each episode will highlight animal Ph.D. experts, veterinarians and researchers discussing animal environment, health, equipment, tools and nutrition with insight and solutions to help viewers make better animals. During each episode, viewers will be encouraged to visit to view clips from the show and find additional resources.

Agribusiness, Internet