RFA Ethanol Podcast

The NEVC Chairman

Chuck Zimmerman

Greg KrissekThe Chairman of the Board for the National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition. They are on display here at the Commodity Classic trade show. I haven’t had a chance to spend much time with NEVC before so I interviewed Steve to learn more about the organization.

Greg says that they are a real technical resource for consumers and anyone who wants more information about E-85. One of the highlights of their website is an online E-85 pump finder which he says the staff works very hard to keep updated. He says that there continues to be a very high level of interest in E-85 and that the crowd here seem to be very knowledgeable about it.

Listen to my interview with Greg here: cccast-19-krissek.mp3

This interview is part of the CommodityClassicCast podcast series.

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