2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Sushi Lunch in Berlin

Chuck Zimmerman

Sushi ManAfter getting some proposals out and doing a little email catch up this morning I got to the Green Week press center in time for an excellent Japanese box lunch. The IFAJ executive committee was given a presentation on this fall’s IFAJ Congress 2007 which will be in Japan.

Online registration has already started for the Congress with a very detailed agenda available at the end of next month. To obtain early registration rates you need to book your trip before May.

Hey all you American agricultural journalists. I know some of you have travelled abroad but you’ve probably never had an international trip put on by your peers in another country if you haven’t been to an IFAJ Congress. This is looking like a good one and the organizers have put together affordable choices. See if you can get it on your agenda. I especially encourage farm broadcasters to get involved.

I think this was probably the healthiest meal I’ve had since getting to Berlin. No, that’s not true. We had an excellent pork and vegetable soup for lunch yesterday. I’ll be wandering around the exhibit halls later this afternoon and as you’ll see from upcoming pictures there’s going to be the temptation to sample and that’s going to be tough to fight.

Farm Shows, Food, IFAJ, International