2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Cotton Board Members Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

USDAIt’s a job keeping up with all the appointments to all the commodity organizations that USDA is involved with. Here’s the latest on the Cotton Board. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns announced the appointment of eight members and eight alternate members.

The Cotton Board consists of 36 representatives of cotton producers and importers, their alternates and one consumer advisor. The members and alternates named today will serve a three-year term, ending Dec. 31, 2009.

The re-appointed members are: Kevin G. Rogers, Mesa, Ariz.; Tom J. Gary, Greenwood, Miss.; Roger L. Blackwelder, Rotan, Texas; Janet C. Ydavoy, Ft. Myers, Fla.; and Sonja Chapman, Boonton, N.J. The re-appointed alternate members are: Walter A. Heiden, Arlington, Ariz.; William E. Harris, Benton, Miss.; and Carlos F.J. Moore, Naples, Fla.

The newly appointed board members are: James M. Lucas, Chester, Ga.; Mark D. Williams, Farwell, Texas; and Anderson D. Warlick, Gastonia, N.C. The newly appointed alternate members are: Benjamin O. Boyd, Sylvania, Ga.; Randy L. Braden, Midland, Texas; Linda F. Taylor, Wolfforth, Texas; Robert J. Mele, Cherry Hill, N.J.; and Teresa M. Nersesyan, Long Beach, Calif.

Ag Groups, Cotton, USDA