2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Go The Extra Yard For Beef

Chuck Zimmerman

Grace WebbThe ever so lovely Grace Webb and Joe Schuele (not picture and not as lovely as Grace) would like all the farm media to get their registrations in for the Cattle Industry Convention. Like now okay?

Today and tomorrow (Dec. 21) are also the final days that Grace will be available to submit your registration form for you. Please call her at 303-850-3338 or e-mail her at gwebb@beef.org, if you would like her to do so.

From Dec. 22 to Jan. 5, you will need to pre-register by fax or mail, as indicated on the form. If you do not have a registration form, you can find one at: http://www.beefusa.org/convregistration.aspx. Just be sure to indicate on the form that you are registering as media. When you arrive in Nashville, you can come straight to the Media Room and bypass the general registration desk.

If you miss the pre-registration deadline, you may still register on-site beginning January 30. But pre-registration is very helpful for planning Media Room meals, work space, and facilities. (If we don’t have an accurate head count for meals, Grace might have to serve Yard-O-Beef.)

Hey Grace I like the idea of some slices of summer sausage in the media room but can we still have chocolate too?

Beef, Cattle Industry Conference