Johanns at the ID INFO EXPO

Cindy Zimmerman

Johanns Press Second day of the National Institute for Animal Agriculture ID INFO Expo was a busy one, between the Secretary of Agriculture and the protesters. A small but vocal group gathered outside the Westin in Kansas City with signs and umbrellas saying “No to NAIS.” I figured that about 99 percent of the people passing by on Grand Avenue had no idea what they were protesting.

No doubt the implementation of a voluntary national animal identification system faces a communications challenge to get the word out to producers of all types of livestock – from birds to bison – that this is a good thing. But Secretary Johanns remains committed to the task.

I did get the opportunity for a one-on-one with Secretary Johanns – which you can hear here.Listen To MP3 Mike Johanns. (15 min MP3)

Animal Health, USDA