2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Gary Myers – Exec In Residence

Chuck Zimmerman

Gary MyersI just got alerted to the fact that Gary Myers, Morgan & Myers, was selected Thursday to be a CAFNR Executive in Residence at the Universtity of Missouri in the fall. Gary is an agricultural journalism alum of the school. He’s the Featured Alum on the school’s website. Here’s an excerpt from his bio:

Myers, a 1971 MU agricultural journalism grad, recently retired as owner and president of Morgan&Myers, a public relations firm he helped develop and run for 25 years. His career has taken him through major changes in worldwide agriculture and food production.

As a Mizzou student, Myers was grateful for the experience that the combined journalism and agriculture program offered. The requirements that included intensive writing for a city newspaper provided him with the foundation for his field.

“You can’t get out of that place without competency in communication,” says Myers, a Maryville, Mo., native. He believes the hands-on orientation of the entire university produces students who are prepared for the real world.

Agencies, University