Philom Bios $25K Giveaway

Chuck Zimmerman

Philom BiosHey farmers. If you’re a Philom Bios customer now you can enter a contest to win one of 10 prizes of $2,500 as part of Philom Bios’ 25th Anniversary prize sweepstakes. Simply log on to to enter. It’s their way of saying thank you. They also just opened a new facility in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Don Atchison, Mayor of Saskatoon cut the ribbon along with Calvin Sonntag, President/CEO of Philom Bios and John Cross,
Chairman of the Board in front of hundreds of customers, employees, stakeholders, and shareholders. The $6.3 million facility will house Philom Bios’ manufacturing, research, agronomy, marketing and corporate employees, and will allow greater integration of the company’s activities under one roof as they continue with their on-going expansion.
