2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Thank You Keith Good

Chuck Zimmerman

FarmPolicy.comI’m going to make a couple of remarks about Keith Good. The post before this is Keith’s weekly Tuesday farm trade and policy post that he’s been doing for months on AgWired. However, it’s his last one (although I’m thinking we haven’t heard the last from him).

Keith mentions this in his last post. What he doesn’t go into detail about is the fact that his personal business has grown due to his blogging and his daily e-news publication! Keith is in demand and the demand was built by his courage and abilities to try something that very few have been doing (yet). You can’t read Keith in newspapers, magazines or hear him on radio or see him on tv. He’s a web publisher and a great success story. Web publishing of good content (text, audio, video) is the new media we are all seeing happen right before our eyes and agribusiness is part of the revolution.

Before Keith started FarmPolicy.com he wasn’t widely known as an expert on farm policy. He started small and patiently posted good content day after day. Although I’m not sure of his exact start date I think he’s been blogging and writing for at least a year. Keith is a shining example of how to do it right. I think we can all learn a lot from that.

Keith, we here at ZimmComm apppreciate your contributions to AgWired. Our readers have benefited and we’ll miss the regular post but we’ll keep an eye on your site and point people your way when we can.

If you’re not subscribing to Keith’s daily e-news just visit FarmPolicy.com to get started. As one of his subscribers says, “Farm Policy is the first email I read in the morning. As a congressional staffer who does Ag issues, I find it essential.”

Farm Policy