2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Nominate Your Excellent Soybean Grower Now

Chuck Zimmerman

United Soybean BoardDo you know an excellent soybean grower? One who’s demonstrated outstanding achievements? Now’s the time to nominate them for the United Soybean Boards annual awards. Let’s flood them with nominations and make it really hard to pick one!!

The United Soybean Board (USB) currently seeks nominations for its annual 2005 Outstanding Achievement Award and 2005 Excellence in International Marketing Award. These awards recognize outstanding individuals who have made a strong contribution for the benefit of soybeans, soybean farmers and the soybean checkoff.

The USB Outstanding Achievement Award is the highest award recognition bestowed by USB. This is given to an individual, organization or group that has made an outstanding positive impact on the soybean industry and the soybean checkoff.

The USB Excellence Award is a rotating award that recognizes outstanding achievement in five categories: communications, domestic marketing, international marketing, new uses and production research. One excellence award recipient will be recognized annually. This year USB will present an award for Excellence in International Marketing.

Nominations must be received by December 16, 2005, for consideration. Nominations received after December 16 or by telephone will not be accepted. Supporting nominations and co-signatures also may be attached and are strongly encouraged. All nominations must be submitted on the attached nomination form and mailed, e-mailed or faxed to:

USB Awards Program
c/o Osborn & Barr Communications, Attn.: Karen Pfautsch
One North Brentwood, 8th Floor
St. Louis, MO 63105
fax: 314/726-6350

The awards will be presented at Commodity Classic next year.

Ag Groups, USB