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FarmPolicy Writer Keith Good Starts Today

Chuck Zimmerman

Keith Good - FarmPolicy.comLet’s give a great big AgWired welcome to Keith Good. Why? Because starting today Keith will be our first regular writer! Keith is a blogger and you can find him on FarmPolicy. He’s a policy and trade guy who will be bringing you a weekly summary of what’s new in the world of ag policy.

I think you’ll agree that policy has a direct impact on agricultural marketing and communications. I was looking for someone who deals with it every day and has special insight because of that dedication. I’m creating a new category called “farm policy” so you’ll always find Keith’s articles easily. In case you’re new to AgWired, the categories are links in the right sidebar which will call up all the articles we have on that topic.

If a weekly dose of FarmPolicy isn’t enough for you I highly recommend that you visit and subscribe to his daily emailed “The News Summary.” Neither will cost you a dime, although like us, Keith would be grateful for a donation! Just send Keith an email to this address if you’d like to subscribe to his daily summary.

Of course you want to know more about Keith don’t you? Well, “Keith Good graduated from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (B.A. 1992, Economics; J.D. 1998, School of Law), and Purdue University (M.S. 1994, Agricultural Economics). He is licensed to practice law in Arkansas and Washington, D.C. He lives in Central Illinois with his wife, an Emergency Room Physician, and three kids (all under six years old), whom he currently takes care of full-time. He has been summarizing farm policy news since December 2003.”

Enough about Keith. Keep an eye out for his articles. They will speak for themselves!

Farm Policy