2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

#ARA2016 in Full Swing

Chuck Zimmerman

2016 ARA ConferenceThe Agricultural Retailers Association Conference & Expo started off with yesterday’s annual golf tournament and is in full swing today with a general session followed by breakout sessions in two tracks, Operations and Executive.

Once again the conference chair is Leroy Startz, ING Capital, who has chaired the conference for the past eight years. I visited with him today before the opening session to learn about this year’s hot topics. “Lot of activity going on in the mergers and acquisitions world – how is that going to impact the retailers with regard to supply chain and product availability?” said Startz. “We’re also focused on regulatory issues, talent, and networking.”

Startz says they have several first time exhibitors in the new technology area of the Expo this year. “There’s a lot more technology, a lot more use of drones,” he said. “The real key is what type of services they can provide through the retailer and how measurable is that going to be.”

You can listen to my interview with Leroy here: Interview with Leroy Startz, ING Capital

Lots of photos being uploaded here: 2016 ARA Conference & Expo Photo Album

Coverage of the ARA Conference and Expo is sponsored by Coverage of the ARA Conference and Expo is sponsored by FMCCoverage of the ARA Conference and Expo is sponsored by Ag Retailers Association
ARA, Audio