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Syngenta Talks Product Launches at #AgMedia

Lizzy Schultz

ams-16-syngenta Syngenta will launch 16 new crop protection products in 2016, with multiple launches expected over the next five years, and Scott Culley, Research and Development Scientist for Syngenta, was on hand during the 2016 Ag Media Summit to discuss several of the company’s major new innovations.

Culley explained that the new products are due in large part to the three new active ingredients the company has registered in the past 18 months.

The new product lineup includes Acuron herbicide, which includes the 2015 introduced active ingredient bicyclopyrone. Another new product, Solatenol fungicide, offers residual disease control in corn, soybean, wheat, peanuts, potatoes, and various fruit and vegetable crops, and the new Orondis fungicide contains the active ingredient oxathiapiprolin. Orondis offers growers a new mode of action for controlling economically devastating soil and foliar diseases on a variety of crops.

“We’re still focused on a good pipeline and we will continue to introduce new products as time goes on, and I think each new AI that we do develop will stem several new products because we’ll be mixing and stewarding those products in a way to maximize their use and efficiency.”

More information can be found here.

Listen to Chuck’s full interview with Scott here:
Interview with Scott Culley, Syngenta

2016 AMS Photo Album

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Coverage of the Ag Media Summit is sponsored by FMC   Coverage of the Ag Media Summit is sponsored by New Holland
Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio, Crop Protection, Syngenta