Earth Day may have come and gone but it’s always a good time to be kind to Mother Earth and recycling is one such way.
Farm waste can often contain some of the most recyclable materials around. Organic materials, animal manure and dirty straw and hay can all be used to make materials such as compost, which can be then put back into the earth for growing crops, plants, vegetables and more. Are you wondering what to do with the waste on your farm? Or even the waste from your kitchen? There are many different ways in which you can recycle your farmland waste materials, whether it be putting them back into your farm or handing them over to a recycling company who can distribute recyclable items to the best place.
Many farm waste materials can be re-used in some way or another on the farm. For example, animal waste can be used to make compost – especially horse manure, which has long been known for its garden-growing properties – gardeners will even buy horse manure from you to put on their roses! Apart from putting the recyclable farm waste back into the farm, you can also give any left over to a waste collection company who can recycle the waste for you. Landfills are no longer commonly used on farms due to the environmental consequences and the landfill tax, which is why more and more farmers are turning to waste collection companies such as Countrystyle Recycling. If you have hazardous waste, it’s important to understand the rules and regulations surrounding its safe disposal.

I don’t live on a farm but I do recycle waste. This is a mixed-media art piece that I made from “re-used” materials. How do you recycle your waste? Share your stores in the comment section.
Wood is a highly recyclable product that is often used in the running of many farms across the UK. Whether you have a surplus of wooden pallets, old fencing that you’re replacing or wooden frames and furniture, it makes more sense to recycle old wooden products than it does to simply throw them away. If you have a wood burning fire, you’re probably already planning on using your old wood to keep your home nice and warm. Wooden pallets also make great DIY furniture ideas, and even if you’re not going to use them yourself, you can sell them on or give them away for this purpose. Wood shavings also make excellent bedding for animals who can’t use regular straw.
Food Waste
Many farms in the UK grow their own food products, either for personal use, to sell in a farm shop or market, or even to sell to commercial buyers. However, not all food products make the cut – and many are put into waste if they cannot be sold on or consumed. But, food waste is highly recyclable and being biodegradable, makes excellent compost which can be sold to garden centres, at farmer’s markets and even used on your own crops, plants and veg allotments. If you get a lot of food waste, you can also arrange for a waste collection company to come and remove it, taking it to a recycling plant where they can recycle and distribute it accordingly.
Do you run or work on a farm? Do you have your own garden? How do you recycle the different types of waste? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.