2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farm & Food Partnerships – A New Paradigm

Chuck Zimmerman

Steve PetersonThe topic was “The New Paradigm: Farm + Food Partnerships to Meet New Consumer Demand.” Our opening keynote speaker at the Agricultural Retailers Association Conference & Expo was Steve Peterson, Retired Director of Sourcing and Sustainability, General Mills. Steve actually just recently retired and is now farming full time on his farm in Minnesota.

Steve told us that he has been wanting to talk to ag retailers. He believes these companies will be key to the scaling of true sustainability across U.S. agriculture. As trusted advisors with farmers he thinks that those precious relationships need to be leveraged. He sees it as a business opportunity for retailers.

Listen to my interview with Steve here for more takeaways: Steve Peterson, General Mills, Retired

2015 Agricultural Retailers Conference & Expo Photo Album

Ag Groups, ARA, Audio, Sustainability