Here are the happy, smiling faces of the farmer “Heroes” and bloggers who have gathered together in Expo Milano 2015, the current World’s Fair. You’re going to get to meet the Heroes in the next week or so since Cindy and I are here and will be conducting interviews with them as we have time.
Right now we’re in a workshop where the Heroes are talking about their farm operations including the challenges and rewards they face and receive. Afterward we get time to visit country pavilions before getting back together for interview time.
You may be interested to know who these Heroes are:
Claudio Destro, Italy
Francesco Condello, Italy
Jordan Kambeitz, Canada
Xavier de Rozieres, France
Elke Pelz-Thaller, Germany
David Moore, United Kingdom
Ilias Ganiev, Russia
Victor Campanelli, Brazil
Gerry Manuel, Zimbabwe
I will be publishing lots of photos from our trip here: 2015 New Holland Heroes & Bloggers Days