2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Sharing the Farmers Voice Through Music

Jamie Johansen

afbf-14-wesleyAttendees of the 2014 American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Convention had the opportunity to hear music from James Wesley. Chuck had a chance to chat with him following the concert and James admitted that he was surprised at how many farmers and ranchers were there to take part in the annual convention. A true testament to AFBF members commitment to the organization.

James Wesley grew up in a small town in Southeast Kansas and seemed to always have an itch to get out. You might recognize his song “Thank A Farmer.” Growing up in a farming community James shared that he truly understands how hard it is to be a farmer. James said he has a big heart for farmers nationwide and for those who serve in our country’s military.

James said it was his sophomore year in college when he got the bug for country music. He had been singing for wedding and birthdays in the area, but then sent a demo into Nashville in 1994. Got a record deal and pursued that for nearly ten years. He shared with Chuck that family was his priority and moved back home with his wife. Now his kids are grown and he is back in Nashville to continue his career in country music.

He shared that he excited to start working with the National FFA Convention in the future in an effort to raise money for members who can’t afford a FFA Jacket.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with James here: Interview with James Wesley

2014 AFBF Convention Photos

AFBF, Ag Groups, Audio