RFA Ethanol Podcast

The Incredible Egg Man

Jamie Johansen

ippe-13-195-editedA celebrity in the egg world, Howard Helmer, shared his love for eggs during the Novus International breakfast at the International Production & Processing Expo this morning.

What is Howard’s claim to fame? In 1982 he became the Guinness Book of World Record holder for fastest omelet making. He make 427 omelets in 30 minutes. But that’s not all, he also holds two other world records for making omelets.

So, why this fastenation for eggs? Howard worked for the American Egg Board and their sole purpose is to promote egg consumption and as this title holder he was a natural to become a spokesperson for the egg industry. He has traveled the world sharing his passion for eggs and teaching the easy process of omelet making. Along side with Novus, Howard is helping spread the word about World Egg Day held in October.

His eyes light up when talking about his love for cooking and sharing how important eggs are to consumers. Howard couldn’t be more full of life if he tried and last year the International Egg Commission named him Egg Promotor of the Year.

Check out my complete interview with Howard here: Interview with Howard Helmer

International Production & Processing Expo Photo Album

Sponsored by Novus International Inc

Audio, Food, IPPE, Novus International, Poultry