RFA Ethanol Podcast

Expert Opinion Via Social Media

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 336Events started taking place today for IPE Week in Atlanta and Novus International got their schedule started with a presentation titled, “Like It: Consumers want to hear your expert opinion.” The session was conducted by David Armano, Executive Vice President – Global Innovation & Integration. His focus was on “how cutting edge research influences the everyday consumer via social media.”

I spoke with David afterward. He says he talked about what’s next in regards to social media and digital and how some of the technology shifts are being dictated by our behaviors and the ways we now communicate and do business. He especially zeroed in on the changes in media and talks about a Media Cloverleaf (Mainstream, New Media, Social and Owned). He also shared some polling study information from what they call the Trust Barometer. One of the findings was that traditionally academics and technical experts have been perceived as the most trustworthy. Last year the third most trusted individual was a financial industry analyst but this year it’s someone like yours truly ie. someone like you! I think you’ll find some great information in my conversation with David.

Listen in on my conversation with David in this week’s program: PlayExpert Opinion Via Social Media

Thanks to our ZimmCast sponsor, GROWMARK, locally owned, globally strong, for their support.

The ZimmCast is the official weekly podcast of AgWired. Subscribe so you can listen when and where you want. Just go to our Subscribe page.

Coverage of the 2012 International Poultry Expo is sponsored by Novus International
Agencies, Audio, Poultry Expo, Social Networking, ZimmCast