2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

John Deere Unlocks Augmented Reality

Chuck Zimmerman

Want an early preview of the John Deere 7R Tractor? Then visit the John Deere Unlock website.

As part of its launch of new large agricultural equipment for 2011, John Deere has created an innovative, interactive new website – johndeere.com/unlock – to give growers an early preview of the new John Deere 7R Tractor, combines and other new equipment for 2011.

The Unlock website features regularly updated webisodes depicting key features of the new 7R Tractor and combines over the next several months. The first webisode introduces the Guetterman farm family of eastern Kansas and the features they look for in a new row-crop tractor. Another highlight of the website will be the augmented reality program that allows viewers to sync with a webcam to have the equipment come to life with animation and sound on their computer.

According to David Pauli, John Deere advertising manager for large ag equipment, the website is intended to help generate excitement for the new products in a way that gives viewers a highly informative experience. “We wanted to create a continually fresh, novel platform that is entertaining and gives growers unique insight into our new equipment over several months leading up to launch. Every week they’ll get a chance to see something new and different about the products.”

The Unlock website will host information on the new John Deere 7R Series Tractors, combines and other equipment that will be introduced later this summer.

For an early inside look at this new equipment, visit www.JohnDeere.com/unlock.

I’m glad to see that the video is also being posted to the John Deere YouTube channel! I’ll be interested to see how this “augmented reality” program works when ready.

John Deere, Tractor