2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

CommodityClassicCast Podcast

Chuck Zimmerman

I got to thinking this weekend that with all the interviews and audio we’ll be posting this week from Commodity Classic we ought to podcast it. It just makes it easier for a lot of people to go ahead and subscribe so they can listen when/where they want. So that’s why I’m announcing the CommodityClassicCast. Yep, a new podcast from ZimmComm New Media and found right here on AgWired. Our Commodity Classic sponsors will be sponsoring it too. More on them later.

For now let’s suffice it to say that this is a first and who better to do it than the pioneers in farm podcasting? Want to subscribe? Just use this link with whatever software you use to capture podcasts: CommodityClassicCast RSS (http://zimmcomm.biz/commodity-classic/cccast.xml). I personally recommend iTunes since it works so well with iPods.

The first episode is already recorded and it’s just a welcome from me but feel free to click and listen too (1 min mp3): cccast-1.mp3

If you’ve got any questions, please feel free to email me. Cindy and I are bound for Tampa early tomorrow. See you there.

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, New Holland