McKinney Keynotes Tech Hub LIVE
Attendees of Tech Hub LIVE in Des Moines this week were treated to a real TED Talk – given by the one and only Ted McKinney, who currently serves as CEO of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, but has a background that started on the farm, moved into agribusiness, and then into government, as Indiana Director of Agriculture and as Under Secretary of Agriculture for Trade under President Trump.
One of McKinney’s main messages was that he believes we can address climate change globally with climate smart agriculture and still increase productivity. “Production ag, including forestry, is actually a solution to climate change challenges,” said McKinney.
“I have been witness on our own farm and in my industry days to the advancement of innovation across the board,” he said during an interview after his address. “And based on what I have been hearing and then what I saw at this conference in the types of companies here and what they’re doing, it’s mind blowing. So I’m juiced because I see it has not stopped. In fact, I’d say innovation is accelerating.”
In his remarks and interview, McKinney also comments on the lack of a farm bill, trade issues, and opportunities for Sustainable Aviation Fuel.
Ted McKinney, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA)
2024 THL Ted McKinney, NASDA, remarks 51:49
2024 THL Ted McKinney, NASDA, interview 13:19
Animal Ag News 7/29
Industry Ag News 7/26
U.S. Peanut Federation Policy Update
It was four years ago that the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation, the American Peanut Shellers Association and the National Peanut Buying Points Association joined together to create the United States Peanut Federation, which is piloted by long-time peanut industry lobbyist Bob Redding who provided a policy update at the recent Southern Peanut Growers Conference in Savannah.
Besides the farm bill, Redding talked about the need to increase exports. “Whether Republicans or Democrats control the White House next January, we’re likely to see increased tariffs, particularly with China. This will be impactful to a number of commodities, either directly or indirectly with peanut, so we might as well face that and brace up for it,” he said. “We worked really hard with the US Peanut Federation to build relationships both in the House and Senate with senior members who are involved in trade policy and we have to increase our export efforts with regard to peanuts.”
In his expectations for a farm bill at this point, Redding said, “We will likely see a farm bill action will be after the election in lame duck session and we’re hopeful the final bill will be similar to the House bill.”
Bob Redding, peanut policy update 35:25Precision Ag News 7/25
Tech Hub LIVE Ready to Take Off
The highly anticipated Tech Hub LIVE Conference and Expo, powered by CropLife Media Group®, is ready for take off July 29-31, 2024, at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines.
Organizers announced that the exhibit hall is officially sold out, showcasing a dynamic range of exhibitors and sponsors who will be present to share their innovative products and services. Back once again this year as Education Sponsor is Ever.Ag. Ben Sloan, VP of Products and Strategy, says they consider that sponsorship to be a great opportunity for them to connect with a wide variety of attendees. “We have efforts in the dairy and livestock space, we have efforts in the financial services and risk management space, and we really work in the agribusiness space and there’s a clear synergy and connection between all of those three legs of the stool,” said Sloan, who will be giving a presentation on how to better leverage insights and data.
This is the third time the event has been hosted in Des Moines, which has welcomed them with open arms between the Greater Des Moines Partnership, Iowa Economic Development Authority, ISU Research Park, and America’s Cultivation Corridor. “There’s probably not a better fit for America’s Cultivation Corridor than Tech Hub LIVE,” says Executive Director Billi Hunt. “Over the last ten years, we have seen a 40% increase in food and ag businesses located in Iowa, nearly 10,000 patents happening for our industry, and over 175% increase in venture capitol coming to our industry in Iowa.” The Iowa welcoming party will be a Top Gun-themed event at at the Ricochet in downtown Des Moines.
In addition, the third in-person meeting of Women in Ag Tech (WiAT) will be taking place at Tech Hub LIVE on July 29, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Building on the success of last year’s launch, this one-day event continues to provide a platform for women in ag tech to connect, engage, and build a supportive community.
Registration and other information can be found at Learn more in these preview interviews with Hunt and Sloan.
2024 THL - Ben Sloan, Ever.Ag 6:062024 THL - Billi Hunt, America's Cultivation Corridor 6:50
Farm Financial Conditions are Rough
The House Agriculture Committee convened a hearing Tuesday to hear from farmers and rural lenders about the state of financial conditions in farm country.
Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA) painted a depressing picture in his opening remarks. “Declining prices and cash receipts, escalating natural disasters, and increasing input costs have created a perfect storm that will compromise the foundation of our agricultural economy. We are living through the largest two-year decline in farm income in history,” said Thompson. “At the end of 2024, total farm sector debt will be the highest the U.S. has seen since at least 1970. Most farmers and ranchers, including those here with us today, are likely to be worse off financially by years’ end.”
The president of the Minnesota Corn Growers was one of the witnesses presenting testimony at the hearing.
“Unless conditions change, I believe we’re heading into a perfect storm, a storm that I don’t think will be fully appreciated until early next year when farmers try to get loans but are unable to do so because they cannot demonstrate the ability to cash flow,” said Dana Allen-Tully, Ph.D., owner of a diversified family farm near Eyota, Minnesota, speaking on behalf of the National Corn Growers Association and state groups.
“We have to have policies in place that reflect the realities of farming today,” Allen-Tully said. The stakes of farming are so incredibly high – higher than I ever remember them to be. We are putting everything we have on the line every single year for very thin and oftentimes negative margins.”
Listen to comments from Thompson and Allen-Tully below.
House Ag Committee Chair Thompson opening remarks 6:48
MN Corn Growers President Dana Allen-Tully 5:37
Animal Ag News 7/23
DWFI Podcast 37 – Opportunities of Irrigation and Mechanization
In November 2023, the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute announced a new USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Irrigation and Mechanization Systems (ILIMS). ILIMS enhances global food security by generating research-based solutions to support the growth of vibrant irrigation and mechanization markets; develops strong institutions and local capacity for their sustainability; and fosters opportunities for equitable access for smallholder farmers.
In this episode, DWFI Communications Specialist Arianna Elnes speaks with the new ILIMS Deputy Director Jude Cobbing about his background and interest in ILIMS, the opportunities he sees with irrigation and mechanization, and upcoming projects for ILIMS. For more information, and to respond to RFA’s, visit:
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DWFI podcast episode 37 28:59
The Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute (DWFI) at the University of Nebraska was founded with the mission to have a lasting and significant impact on achieving more food security with less pressure on scarce water resources by conducting scientific and policy research, using the research results to inform policy makers, and sharing knowledge through education and communication.
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