Hoping To Help You Understand

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello from ZimmComm, the home of Talking News Releases.

We will be posting information about our services here as we start developing our website more. Our main focus will be on this blog though as a tool to communicate with our clients and prospective clients.

You may want to know what a Talking News Release is. If you’re patient and have a high speed connection you can download a narrated PowerPoint presentation from our home page at zimmcomm.biz. It’s a 28 mb file so it takes a couple minutes to download. But it’s worth it.

More to come . . .


Just Getting Started On This Blogging Thing

Chuck Zimmerman

Obviously we haven’t been very active on our blog yet. Give us time. We’re still a startup company. Gotta lot of work to do on our website too.

But we’ve been busy. Our Talking News Release service has attracted a lot of attention and we have several new clients just in the past week.

New to the ZimmComm client family is Dow AgroScience and Machinery Link. More are being planned over the next month. Thank you to all the people who have used our service.

Radio is the often overlooked medium when it comes to public relations. One of the reasons is that there are so many radio stations, making it difficult to keep up with them and the people who produce news. We do it for you with our database of radio station news directors, which we can sort by state or just about any area including format of station.

Enough for now. More to come.


Welcome To Our Blog Site

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello from ZimmComm. We’re just getting this blog set up so bear with us. We’ve got to learn how to use it and get it linked on our website.

We’ll be updating information about projects we’re working on, places we’ll be and services we offer. Check in from time to time to see what’s new in the communications world!

