Over 10,000 Visitors To AgWired & Counting

Chuck Zimmerman

Sleepy Hollow, ILOver 10,000 visitors have made their way to AgWired! It’s a milestone. Hey, some may say it’s a miracle. We say, thank you and stop by again. We’ve now had more visitors than the population of Sleepy Hollow, IL, a suburb of Chicago. Pretty cool, huh? Why did we pick Sleepy Hollow. Absolutely no good reason except they were the first city of that size (10,104, 2004 U.S. Census) I found Googling around.

The exact number of “unique” visitors as of this posting is 10,212. That’s since our launch March 15 of this year. Not bad for a little ole blog about the business of agrimarketing. Who would think that so many people want to know about our business? Who would think that there are that many people in the business? There are and that number grows daily.

Want to know more about our visitors and traffic? Want to promote your company to these people? Just give me a call. You know where.

BTW. The map is courtesy of Expedia.


Krause Corporation Selects Swanson Russell

Chuck Zimmerman

Krause CorporationKrause Corporation has selected Swanson Russell Associates to develop its marketing and communications services. The work will be handled by the Omaha office.

Krause Corporation manufactures and distributes soil management equipment. That includes tiller, drillers and rippers. Some pretty serious sounding equipment. In fact, if you look at their home page today you’ll see their “Dominator.” And what I find even more interesting is that you can “hear” what growers have to say about it!! Check it out.

Agencies, Agribusiness

Chef’s Chili Challenge Results

Chuck Zimmerman

MBIC Report PodcastThis week’s MBIC report from the Missouri Beef Industy Council is with Marketing Director, Dawn Thurnau. Dawn tells us all about the Chef’s Chili Challenge and fundraiser that was held last week in Columbia, MO.

You can listen to this week’s MBIC Report here: Download MP3 File

The MBIC Report is an AgWired podcast which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar or on the newly designed MBIC website.

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Podcasts

Harvest – Why Growers Are Hard To Reach

Chuck Zimmerman

USDAThe corn and soybean harvest is in full swing and I know that’s important to many of you, especially if you’re trying to reach a grower.

In case you didn’t know it you can find reports on crop harvest progress like the one released today from USDA’s NASS website. As you might imagine there’s a wide difference in how much progress has been made from state to state. For example, here in Missouri corn is about 77 percent done but in Minnesota it’s only 8 percent!

I suggest you bookmark their calendar of reports page and go there to find the most recent report when it comes out.


Julie DeYoung Moves To Perdue

Chuck Zimmerman

Julie DeYoungI remember watching tv commercials for Perdue chicken during the couple of years I lived outside Baltimore. They featured Frank Perdue, who passed away this year. They were funny and you just believed him so we cooked a lot of it on the grill. You can see a nice tribute to Frank on the Perdue website. Now they’ve got a new spokesperson.

Julie DeYoung is moving to Perdue Farms Inc. as Vice President of Corporate Communications. DeYoung will oversee Perdue’s Communications and Public Affairs Department. She will be responsible for media and community relations, internal and external communications, corporate contributions, and will be the primary spokesperson for the corporation according to Jim Perdue, Chairman.

Julie started her career in 1983 after graduating from Iowa State. Perdue is the No. 1 brand of fresh chicken in the Eastern United States.


BASF Agency of Record Official Announcement

Chuck Zimmerman

BASFAs was previously reported right here on AgWired, BASF has chosen a new agency of record for crop business in the United States. The agency is Quarry Integrated Communications.

Joy Watson and Kaye Iftner, communications managers with BASF Agricultural Products, said they are looking forward to building on Quarry’s relationship with BASF with this new assignment. “In Quarry, we have found a partner to help us further our BASF brand building efforts,” Iftner and Watson said. “Quarry’s strategic capability combined with their agribusiness, business-to-business and business-to-consumer experience, make them a great fit for our organization. As an organization, we have significant opportunities ahead and we look forward to working with Quarry to pursue them,” Iftner and Watson said.

Agencies, Agribusiness

How We Eat In America From NPD Group

Chuck Zimmerman

Since so many companies (and farmers) depend on consumer food habits and choices the information contained in the latest NPD Group’s, 20th Annual Eating Patterns in America report should be a must read. There’s some very interesting information in it. Some of it what you would expect and some of it surprising.

For example:

The number of meals eaten in a restaurant annually has decreased from 93 meals per person in 1985, to 80 meals per person today. However, the number of meals purchased at a restaurant and eaten in the car has increased from 19 meals per person in 1985, to 32 meals per person today. Ninety-two percent of take-out lunches come from fast food restaurants today, and 92 percent of individuals consume some form of “ready-to-eat” foods in the home on a daily basis. Americans are more likely to take out from a restaurant than to eat there. Whether traffic is the driving force, or simply impatience, we cannot wait to get home to eat our meals.

We use our stovetops less (down 18% from 1985), and our microwave ovens more (doubled from 10% in 1985 to 20% today).

The usage of fresh products in our main meals at home has decreased today, as compared to 1985. Back then, 56 percent of inhome main meals included a fresh product. Today, 46 percent of in-home main meals include a fresh product.

NPD FoodWorld’s Harry Balzer has an interesting viewpoint you might want to read too.


Diamond Pet Foods Buying Identity-preserved Corn

Chuck Zimmerman

CornTalk podcastCornTalk, a weekly program for the Missouri Corn Growers Association, features an interview with Mark Brinkman, Diamond Pet Foods. Diamond Pet Foods has worked with MCGA’s Value Enhancement Program to develop premium price contracts with Missouri corn growers who supply identity-preserved corn for use in the company’s pet food business. Brinkman says this assures Diamond Pet Food will receive a consistent and safe source of corn!

You can listen to this week’s CornTalk here: Download MP3 File

CornTalk is a weekly AgWired podcast which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar.

Audio, Corn, Podcasts

Study Shows Biotech Crops Beneficial

Chuck Zimmerman

Cordia Biotech ConferenceBiotechnology get a lot of press, both good and bad. That’s why it’s nice to see research that focuses on realities. Thanks to a heads up from Monsanto, I found out about a new report just out today called, “GM crops: the global socio-economic and environmental impact – the first nine years 1996-2004.” Many of you are involved in marketing biotech products so you might want to see the report. There’s a lot of information in it.

This report was presented at the CORDIA Biotech Convention in London by PG Economics. Here’s a couple of highlights:

“Since 1996, adoption of biotech crops has contributed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and decreased pesticide spraying,” said Graham Brookes, director of PG Economics, and one of the authors who conducted the study. “While greatly enhancing the way farmers in 18 countries produce food, feed and fiber, biotech crops have reduced the environmental footprint associated with agricultural practices. This study offers the first quantifiable global look at the impact of biotech crop production.”

Biotech crops have reduced the volume of pesticide spraying globally by 6 percent since 1996, equivalent to a decrease of 380 million pounds according to the study. That’s equivalent to eliminating 1,514 rail cars of pesticide’s active ingredient. The largest environmental gains from changes in pesticide spraying have been from biotech soybeans and cotton, which have reduced the associated environmental footprint by 19 percent and 17 percent, respectively.


He’s The Wisconsin Cow Czar

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast37 - Steve KozarIn this week’s ZimmCast I’ve got something a little different. You’re probably familiar with the Cow Parade, you know that public art exhibition that got started in Chicago some years ago. Maybe you collect the minatures that are now sold as fine collectibles everywhere. If you have wanted to know more about how a public art display that is all about a farm animal works then listen to my interview with cow parade, cow artist, Steve Kozar. Steve was painting his cow in his booth at World Dairy Expo, so we could even see him work! Steve said people were having fun with his last name but he really got a kick out of it when I dubbed him the “Wisconsin Cow Czar.”

You can listen to this week’s ZimmCast with Steve here: Download MP3 File

The ZimmCast is the official weekly podcast of AgWired which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar. You can also now find the ZimmCast on CoolCast Radio. I’ll post more about this in coming days!

Audio, Farm Shows, Podcasts, World Dairy Expo, ZimmCast