IFAJ Congress In Ft. Worth In 2009

Chuck Zimmerman

Greg and MikeAt lunch today Greg Lamp (speaking), Corn and Soybean Digest, and Mike Wilson, Farm Futures, gave us a presentation on the 2009 International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress (IFAJ) which will be held in Ft. Worth, TX.

Greg and Mike are on the leadership team for IFAJ. They gave a short overview of how the IFAJ meeting will overlap the AMS that year. One of the things we’ll be trying to do is mentor each incoming foreign ag journalist.

Ag Media Summit, IFAJ

Guess Whose Shoes

Chuck Zimmerman

Guess Whose ShoesThis could become a regular feature here on AgWired. Guess whose shoes these are.

Post your comment and give it your best shot. The first correct answer wins. Wins what? I’m not sure yet. Probably something from the AgWired prize stash.

This picture was taken this morning in the InfoExpo area.

Ag Media Summit

InfoExpo Open

Chuck Zimmerman

Setting Up For InfoExpoThe InfoExpo is in full swing here at the Ag Media Summit. I’m getting ready to spend some time there and conduct some interviews.

Here’s Diane Henderson, Cattlemen’s Beef Board, setting up yesterday afternoon. I think there’s about 70 different organizations exhibiting this year which is a record.

These booths provide an opportunity for representatives of these various companies and organizations to develop media relationships. I think it’s time for me to go work on that myself.

Ag Media Summit

Morning New Media Roundtable

Chuck Zimmerman

I am truly such an idiot. I didn’t record my presentation yesterday or the roundtable discussion on the same subject this morning.

I just led a discussion on agriblogging and farm podcasting after breakfast. There were about 11 people in the discussion and it was excellent. I am fascinated by the interest in podcasting on the part of publications, especially when I see so little interest in it on the part of farm broadcasters.

We talked about things like blogger credibility, difference between posting audio files on a website vs. podcasting, equipment and software options and much more.

Would you be interested in hearing a presentation/discussion on these topics? If so, I will organize a series of them over the coming months which will be available here on AgWired and perhaps some other venues.

Ag Media Summit

Workshop Follow Up

Chuck Zimmerman

The Agriblogging and Farm Podcasting workshop is over. I would estimate about 70 in attendance. For some reason I didn’t get any more pics for you but I might find one that someone else took and add it later.

I always start these sessions out asking how many people know what a blog is, have a blog, know what a podcast is, own an iPod and subscribe to podcasts. This group had the highest showing of hands of any I’ve presented to. I’m impressed. Does it mean that these new media tools are becoming more widespread and accepted?

We only had an hour and a half to spend together so I was going fast and providing an online demonstration. I’m wondering if I was trying to cover too much ground. I’m very interested in feedback so if you participated this morning please feel free to post your comments or questions here.

I promised everyone a Resources Page (Word Doc) with links and suggestions of places to find more information, including some previous posts I’ve done on “How I Blog” which has a Part One and a Part Two. Now you have them!

Ag Media Summit, Podcasts

Rocking With Quasimojo

Chuck Zimmerman

Quasimojo BandAfter getting back to the Portland Hilton (and air conditioning) from our river cruise it was party time. Wait a minute. What were we doing on the boat?

We didn’t have the Quasimojo Band on the boat. So I guess you could say the party continued after we got back and with the band.

If you’ve never seen the band play now’s your chance: Watch WMV File Quasimojo Band (3 min wmv)

Ag Media Summit, Video

Andy Markwart Horizon Award

Chuck Zimmerman

Andy Markwart Award FundraiserIn honor of Andy Markwart, former editor of The Furrow, beloved member of the Quasimojo Band and AAEA, who passed away earlier this year, John Deere is creating and supporting the Andy Markwart Horizon Award. The idea is to create a fund over the next couple years from which scholarships can be awarded to students so they can attend either the Ag Media Summit or an international event like the IFAJ Congress.

Here at the AMS you can buy raffle tickets to show your support for the program.

Ag Media Summit

Photographic Moments On The River

Chuck Zimmerman

Lisa Perrin Taking A PictureI wish I had the camera Lisa Perrin, Holstein Association USA, has. On our river cruise we had lots of opportunity for taking some great photos.

Sometimes you get your picture taken, taking a picture. I’ve got lots more from the cruise and plan to have an end-of-the-event online photo album for all of them.

Ag Media Summit