RFA Ethanol Podcast

WILOT Group Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

NAWG LogoIt’s time once again for a new group to go through the WILOT program. That’s the National Association of Wheat Growers leadership program. They just announced the names of the people who will be taking part this year.

These growers include: David Cleavinger of Wildorado, Texas; Jay Cook of Garden City, Kan.; Jeff Newtson of Helix, Ore.; Brent Robertson of Elsie, Neb.; Will Roehm of Great Falls, Mont.; Scott Renfro of Howe, Texas; Royce Schaneman of Lincoln, Neb.; Jeff Tee of Latah, Wash.; Randy Uhrich of Wenatchee, Wash.; Terry Weckerly of Hurdsfield, N.D.

BTW. WILOT stands for Wheat Industry Leaders of Tomorrow.

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