IFAJ Japan Presentation

Chuck Zimmerman

Japanese PresentationWe’re just now receiving a presentation from next year’s IFAJ Congress host country, Japan.

This sounds like a fascinating program so if you couldn’t be here in Norway, plan on Japan next year.

You can watch a short video clip of the presentation: Watch WMV File IFAJ Japan Presentation (3 min WMV)

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred


IFAJ DVD Presentation

Chuck Zimmerman

Marcus RedigerMarcus Rediger, Switzerland, is the IFAJ money man who presented the financials, budget and also introduced a project for IFAJ’s 50 year anniversary this year. A DVD has been produced that chronicles some of the history of the organization as well as just helping explain what agricultural journalism is like around the world.

The DVD is available by ordering from IFAJ directly or you can contact your country guild office. In the United States that would be the American Agricultural Editors Association.

You can watch a short video clip of the beginning of the DVD as it was first presented here: Watch WMV File IFAJ DVD Presentation (1 min WMV)

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred

IFAJ, Video

IFAJ Photography Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ AwardsNext up on the awards program is the IFAJ Photography Awards.

After seeing each of the 28 entries:

Honorable mentions were presented to 12 of the entrants but I don’t have the list.

Second place was presented to Mark Rozin, “Capital Press”, USA.

First place was won by John Eveson, “Farmers Guardian”, United Kingdom.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred


IFAJ Star Prize

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ AwardsThe business meeting just concluded and now it’s time for awards. First we have the IFAJ Star Prize for Agricultural Journalism.

Right now we’re seeing a listing of the entries. And the winners are . . .

The second place winner is Andries Gouws, “Landdbou Weekblad”, South Africa.

First place winner is, Andrew Blake, “Farmers Weekly”, United Kingdom.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred


IFAJ Business Meeting

Chuck Zimmerman

IFAJ LeadershipThe business meeting of IFAJ is underway. Here’s the leadership at the head table.

We just had elections for the parliament of officers. President is David Markey (Ireland) and Vice President, Mike Wilson (United States).

Right now we’re getting a budget report for the coming year which will include funding to help up to 5 students attend next year’s Congress in Japan.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred


Attack of the Troll Ladies

Chuck Zimmerman

Troll LadyI’m not really sure what/who this is. If anyone has more information, please share.

Before we left the lakeside stop on the way back to our hotel, three of these “troll ladies?” showed up screeching and attacking men.

Troll LadyIt was also getting very foggy out which plays havoc with a flash.

Here’s a poor guy getting a dose of whatever these ladies were dishing out.

Can you say “crazy Norwegians?” This all has a lot to do with agriculture as I’m sure we’ll find out in coming days.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred


Night Bathing And Soup

Chuck Zimmerman

SunsetAfter we left the play last night and got on our buses it’s hard to describe what happened next. I heard we were stopping for a surprise.

The surprise was going to be “night bathing” in a lake. Yeah, right!

But that’s exactly what happened. Some serious Viking souls got in the lake. I have pictures of them but deemed them inappropriate for a family website. Email me if you’d like a copy.

For those who didn’t do a little night bathing, we had some really good ham/bean soup and beers in the semi-darkness. This was about 11:30pm and it still wasn’t full dark yet.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred


Sunset Backdrop

Chuck Zimmerman

SunsetOne of the locals working at Peer Gynt said we were very lucky to have such good weather for the play.

I guess it can rain and get even colder but the play still goes on.

One thing we got lucky with was a beautiful sunset.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred


Lakeside View

Chuck Zimmerman

Peer Gynt PlayHere’s a little wider angle shot of the play we attended last night (Peer Gynt).

I don’t know what the official number is for people attending but I’d guess we had a couple thousand at least.

It’s held in an outdoor ampitheater on the bank of Lake Gala and includes a series of turf/grass covered huts which look like ones we saw a lot of on the way here.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred


Lakeside Reception

Chuck Zimmerman

Reception By The LakeIt’s Sunday morning now and I’m starting to wake up. The delegates are meeting already but since I’m not one, I’m taking a little longer to get going. Getting in at 2am requires more sleep on my part than what these hardy Vikings need I guess.

I thought I’d catch up with some more photos from yesterday. Before the play got started we had a little private lakeside reception.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2006 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred