Small Rural Communities Join Forces

Chuck Zimmerman

Harry SiemensThe Saskatchewan Agrivision Corporation is encouraging small rural communities to join forces and work as regions as one way of empowering their local leadership. Last month the Saskatchewan Agrivision Corporation released a study entitled ‘Identify a Process for Effective Rural Economic Development’.

The report features an analysis of historical and future macro trends in rural regional population in North America and explores the ‘Action Humboldt’ initiative” which used various methods of leadership empowerment to develop a strategic plan for the region. Read More


High School Photos To Haunt

Chuck Zimmerman

High School HairAt first glance this may not have anything to do with agricultural marketing. My old buddy, Bennie, from high school emailed this picture to all the committee members of my 30 year high school reunion that’s coming up in a couple weeks.

He dared me to put it on the reunion blog I’ve been running and well . . . I’ve spared you the full photo btw.

This might have been taken back in 1976. You can see that I had that entrepreneurial gleam of intensity way back then. A few hair cuts later and here I am, trying to bring you the best news from the world of agribusiness.


Have You Taken The AgWired Survey

Chuck Zimmerman

I want to thank those of you who have already taken the AgWired survey. I’m hoping to have at least a hundred of them filled out by the first of October, so please take just a few moments (3 minutes at most) to fill it out. I know a lot of you do surveys of your customers and various audiences and know how important this is. I will greatly appreciate your support in this project.

I thought I’d share another comment from one of the surveys already filled out:

“It’s difficult to tell if you ever cover anything because you think it’s newsworthy for agriculture and ag communications, or if you are only covering things because you have sponsors paying you to do it. Most of your posts appear to be directly related to your sponsors. Perhaps that’s not a bad thing, but some transparency about who your sponsors are would be helpful.”

Very good point. I know I’ve probably been guilty of not making it obvious in every post I’ve done. However, if I have a sponsor for event coverage my policy is to place a sponsor company logo/tagline in each post. I can’t think of a way to be more transparent. Otherwise I post items solely because I think you might find them interesting. To date, I’ve had no direct website advertising support (only because I haven’t solicited it – that’s about to change).

Having said that, my company has done a lot of project work for most of the major agribusiness companies and agencies in the country. We have our service for example that produces and distributes text and talking news releases and publishes them on a highly search engine optimized website. We are hired for photography and audio production services and will often write about an event that we’re attending while conducting these services for a client. Name a company or ag group and we’ve probably done some type of work for them. A lot of these projects have helped finance my AgWired habit which attracted over 10,000 unique visitors last month.

I really appreciate comments like this one and you can be sure that I’ll do my best to take them to heart as I continue to publish the only weblog devoted to agricultural marketing.


Tractor Repair in Iraq

Chuck Zimmerman

Tractor Repair in IraqI just got another report from Paul McKellips, US Department of State, Public Affairs GO Team. He’s on assignment in Erbil, Iraq. This report is about the work being done to repair tractors in Iraq.

A joint effort between USAID and the Agriculture Reconstruction and Development Program for Iraq (ARDI) is nearing completion on a $28.9 million tractor repair and renovation program. Thirty years of wars, sanctions and a tyrannical regime silenced thousands of farm tractors. After inspecting 10,000 tractors across the country, 5,000 were deemed repairable. Tractor owners are not charged for the repairs. USAID has partnered with Case New Holland and Massey Ferguson – whose brands make up the largest share of agricultural machinery in Iraq – to establish 14 workshops across the country.

You can listen to his report here: Listen to MP3 Tractor Repari – Erbil (3 min MP3)

Audio, International, Tractor

Double Shifting Hog Plants

Chuck Zimmerman

Harry SiemensThe head of Maple Leaf Foods [Canada] suggests improved wastewater treatment is key to double shifting the company’s Brandon hog slaughtering plant.

In an address to community leaders in Brandon recently, Maple Leaf Foods President and CEO Michael McCain reaffirmed his company’s commitment to double shifting its flagship Brandon pork plant as quickly as possible.

He notes, to overcome the financial hurdles of a new wastewater treatment facility, the City of Brandon in partnership with Maple Leaf Foods and Wyeth Organics have sought out a collaborative solution to their respective wastewater treatment challenges. Read More


$8.9 Million For Rural Broadband

Chuck Zimmerman

USDAJust last Friday I asked Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Johanns, what he thinks about farmers using computers and the internet and he responded with a personal anecdote. When I got back to the office I had a news release from USDA in my inbox announcing some more money to provide for “BROADBAND “COMMUNITY CONNECT” GRANTS.”

Agriculture Deputy Secretary Chuck Conner today announced the award of $8.9 million in broadband community connect grants. A total of 21 grants in eight states will be awarded today, elevating the program to $57.7 million invested to 129 awardees in its 5-year history. “These funds will provide a critical link between essential community facilities in areas where no broadband service currently exists,” said Conner. “The goal is to improve public safety and also enable residents to pursue educational opportunities.”

Internet, USDA

Eliminating Dangerous Child Labor

Chuck Zimmerman

FAOEradicating dangerous child labor in agriculture will be a big focus of the International Labour Organization, working with other organizations like FAO in 2007.

ILO has started to cooperate with international food organizations including FAO as a follow up to a new ILO’s Global Approach on Child Labour. In 2007, ILO’s World Day Against Child Labour that is celebrated on the 12th of June each year, will focus on Agriculture and call for the eradication of Child Labour in 2016.

Mr. Guy Thijs is Director of the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour, at the International Labour Organization in Geneva. He recently took part in an interagency consultation (FAO, IFAD, WFP, IFPRI, IPGRI, IFAP, IUF), in Rome, to discuss a co-ordinated awareness campaign against Child Labour in agriculture in 2007. He explains: Listen To MP3 Thijs Sound Bite (2 min MP3)

Audio, International

Nitrogen Cycling Around Canada

Chuck Zimmerman

Agrotain Nitrogen CycleI guess the Agrotain Nitrogen Cycle was such a big hit that it’s on display at farm shows in Canada now.

“The response to the bike at agricultural trade shows in the United States last year was phenomenal,” says Steve Phillips, VP North American Ag Sales. “The Nitrogen Cycle drew a lot of interest, and farmers were asking us a lot of questions about it! It’s a great tool to draw attention to our message of how to minimize nitrogen loss, in an eye-catching and fun way. I can also see this bike getting great attention at the Canadian shows we’ll attend.”

The Nitrogen Cycle will be on display at major agricultural trade shows early in 2007, such as the Crop Production Show, Saskatoon, SK from January 8 to 11, 2007, Manitoba Ag Days, Brandon, MB from January 16 to 18, 2007, Farm Tech, Edmonton, AB from January 24 to 26, 2007 and the CAAR Convention, Calgary, AB from February 6 to 8, 2007.

Agribusiness, Farm Shows

Markets By Phone

Chuck Zimmerman

Commodity UpdateA ZimmCast earlier this summer featured an interview with Commodity Update founder Joel Jaeger. We just sent out a talking news release for him via

I’ve been a subscriber for several months now. The service is flexible and I picked 5 commodities I wanted to keep up with. I elected to have the open and close for them sent to my Palm Treo each day. It’s just like clockwork. They automatically show up on my phone and I’m up to date without having to do anything except look at my phone when the alarm goes off. Very cool.

Imagine if I was receiving short text messages of valuable information that’s branded by a company that’s supplying me with it. Got your creative juices flowing? Give Joel a call (866-376-6094) if you’d like to discuss it.

I would put this in the category of “new media” and the Long Tail.


We ain’t seen nothing yet

Chuck Zimmerman

Harry SiemensThe World Harvest for Kids was significant in many ways, but to me once I tallied up the media outlets I had touched in some way directly and indirectly, and the number of mediums I had used to get there, it blew me away.

Without sounding like I’m blowing my own horn overly much, let me explain. When Ray Wieler, the organizer of World Harvest for Kids contacted me about getting some exposure, I had no idea it would explode in the manner if did. My thanks go to all the different media outlets for catching the vision, and playing your part in getting the word out there. Today, I had a note from an editor in Quebec who wanted to use a combine picture, and tell the story about the camp. Read More
